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Victoria Vilches

5 Secrets to Finding Happiness

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

Oh happiness, that fleeting feeling everyone seems to be chasing after. Traveling the world, getting in relationships, buying all the pretty things, trying everything to find and keep it.

Here are 5 Secrets to Finding Long Term Happiness:

1) Health- make your health a priority. When you implement good habits like drinking water, eating mostly healthy, exercise and sleeping 8 hours a night, it boosts your mood and energy levels and helps you have a clear mind.These habits combined lead you to live on an optimal level helping you to achieve your goals in other areas as well.

2) Wealth- When you are debt free, have an emergency fund, and investments this provides security and peace of mind. This brings a sense of happiness knowing you have your financial life in order and have everything you need. As well as the ability to spoil yourself with things you love occasionally, guilt free.

3) Peace- Having peace of mind is a priceless gift you can give yourself. This comes from doing the inner healing work and forgiving people who have hurt you. Being in a healthy mindset and learning to love yourself are important to overall wellness.

4) Novelty- Trying new things on a regular basis is a great way to boost endorphins and expand your possibilities. It is a great way to spark creativity, meet new people, and cross something off of your bucket list. Novel experiences keep life interesting and gives you good stories to tell!

5) Relationships- Family, friends and romantic relationships are a key element to living a long, happy life. Healthy relationships enhance every other area of your life and bring love, security and motivation.

These are just a few important areas to incorporate to create long term happiness in your life. Comment below and let me know what makes you happy?

Much Love,

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