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Victoria Vilches

Productivity Hacks

Updated: Oct 8, 2020

Ways to stay focused and get stuff done at home whether for work or school.

Working from home can be so hard. It seems impossible to focus with social media constantly sending updates, texts and calls coming in, kids running around, and a million other things distracting you. Here are some ways to stay focused long enough to get stuff done.

1) Create a separate space to work.

- This could be anywhere from a home office in a spare bedroom or a certain chair at your kitchen table. Find a specific place where you will work from in your home, preferably somewhere with a door you can close and minimal noise. This creates an automatic mindset switch of when you come here and sit down, it is time to work.

2) Turn your phone on silent and put it out of sight while working.

- Turn it off or at least put it on silent and out of sight so it's not constantly binging with updates and won't tempt you to be distracted. Out of sight (and sound), out of mind!

3) Set a timer.

- Set a timer. You decide the time and do nothing but work until the time is up. Then when it's over take a break, eat a snack, walk around, check social media for a certain amount of time then go back to work and repeat. For example you could work for 1 hour and take a 10 minute break with a longer one for lunch.

4) Get enough sleep and eat meals throughout the day.

- Make sure you get enough sleep the night before so you are not tired and falling asleep in the middle of working. I did that a few times in college and falling asleep while studying with your head in a book or sleeping through a work zoom meeting is not cute and you might get fired. So go to bed. Also, make sure you eat some meals or snacks throughout the day. Food is fuel and gives you energy to stay awake and be productive. Take care of yourself so you can take care of everything and everyone else too.

5) Reward yourself for reaching goals/ finishing.

- I do this all the time and it is super helpful. Say you have big project or paper due. What is something you have been wanting? It can be an item or experience and it doesn't have to be expensive either. When you complete the hard project, paper, etc. reward yourself with something. It could be something small like a candle or new fun product at Target or getting a pedicure. Medium priced like new clothes or dinner at a fancy restaurant you have been wanting to try. Or it can be big like taking a dream vacation for huge long term goals like losing 100 pounds or graduating college. It depends on your budget ( don't go into debt! Budget for it!) and what you want enough that will motivate you to get it done.

Hopefully these tips can help you get work done, whether you are working from home or in school. Have any other tips that work for you? Share below and let others know.

Much Love,

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